2023-12-24 09:57:48 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author : relakkes@gmail.com
# @Time : 2023/12/23 15:40
# @Desc : 微博爬虫 API 请求 client
import asyncio
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import copy
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import json
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import re
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from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import httpx
from playwright.async_api import BrowserContext, Page
from tools import utils
from .exception import DataFetchError
from .field import SearchType
class WeiboClient:
def __init__(
headers: Dict[str, str],
playwright_page: Page,
cookie_dict: Dict[str, str],
self.proxies = proxies
self.timeout = timeout
self.headers = headers
self._host = "https://m.weibo.cn"
self.playwright_page = playwright_page
self.cookie_dict = cookie_dict
async def request(self, method, url, **kwargs) -> Any:
async with httpx.AsyncClient(proxies=self.proxies) as client:
response = await client.request(
method, url, timeout=self.timeout,
data: Dict = response.json()
if data.get("ok") != 1:
utils.logger.error(f"[WeiboClient.request] request {method}:{url} err, res:{data}")
raise DataFetchError(data.get("msg", "unkonw error"))
return data.get("data", {})
2023-12-24 16:02:11 +00:00
async def get(self, uri: str, params=None, headers=None) -> Dict:
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final_uri = uri
if isinstance(params, dict):
final_uri = (f"{uri}?"
2023-12-24 16:02:11 +00:00
if headers is None:
headers = self.headers
return await self.request(method="GET", url=f"{self._host}{final_uri}", headers=headers)
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async def post(self, uri: str, data: dict) -> Dict:
json_str = json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False)
return await self.request(method="POST", url=f"{self._host}{uri}",
data=json_str, headers=self.headers)
async def pong(self) -> bool:
"""get a note to check if login state is ok"""
utils.logger.info("[WeiboClient.pong] Begin pong weibo...")
ping_flag = False
except Exception as e:
utils.logger.error(f"[BilibiliClient.pong] Pong weibo failed: {e}, and try to login again...")
ping_flag = False
return ping_flag
async def update_cookies(self, browser_context: BrowserContext):
cookie_str, cookie_dict = utils.convert_cookies(await browser_context.cookies())
self.headers["Cookie"] = cookie_str
self.cookie_dict = cookie_dict
async def get_note_by_keyword(
keyword: str,
page: int = 1,
search_type: SearchType = SearchType.DEFAULT
) -> Dict:
search note by keyword
:param keyword: 微博搜搜的关键词
:param page: 分页参数 -当前页码
:param search_type: 搜索的类型,见 weibo/filed.py 中的枚举SearchType
uri = "/api/container/getIndex"
containerid = f"100103type={search_type.value}&q={keyword}"
params = {
"containerid": containerid,
"page_type": "searchall",
"page": page,
return await self.get(uri, params)
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async def get_note_comments(self, mid_id: str, max_id: int) -> Dict:
"""get notes comments
:param mid_id: 微博ID
:param max_id: 分页参数ID
uri = "/comments/hotflow"
params = {
"id": mid_id,
"mid": mid_id,
"max_id_type": 0,
if max_id > 0:
params.update({"max_id": max_id})
referer_url = f"https://m.weibo.cn/detail/{mid_id}"
headers = copy.copy(self.headers)
headers["Referer"] = referer_url
return await self.get(uri, params, headers=headers)
async def get_note_all_comments(self, note_id: str, crawl_interval: float = 1.0, is_fetch_sub_comments=False,
callback: Optional[Callable] = None, ):
get note all comments include sub comments
:param note_id:
:param crawl_interval:
:param is_fetch_sub_comments:
:param callback:
result = []
is_end = False
max_id = -1
while not is_end:
comments_res = await self.get_note_comments(note_id, max_id)
max_id: int = comments_res.get("max_id")
comment_list: List[Dict] = comments_res.get("data", [])
is_end = max_id == 0
if callback: # 如果有回调函数,就执行回调函数
await callback(note_id, comment_list)
await asyncio.sleep(crawl_interval)
if not is_fetch_sub_comments:
# todo handle get sub comments
return result
async def get_note_info_by_id(self, note_id: str) -> Dict:
:param note_id:
url = f"{self._host}/detail/{note_id}"
async with httpx.AsyncClient(proxies=self.proxies) as client:
response = await client.request(
"GET", url, timeout=self.timeout, headers=self.headers
if response.status_code != 200:
raise DataFetchError(f"get weibo detail err: {response.text}")
match = re.search(r'var \$render_data = (\[.*?\])\[0\]', response.text, re.DOTALL)
if match:
render_data_json = match.group(1)
render_data_dict = json.loads(render_data_json)
note_detail = render_data_dict[0].get("status")
note_item = {
"mblog": note_detail
return note_item
utils.logger.info(f"[WeiboClient.get_note_info_by_id] 未找到$render_data的值")
return dict()