import asyncio import json import random from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union from urllib.parse import urlencode import httpx from playwright.async_api import BrowserContext from tenacity import (RetryError, retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_fixed) from base.base_crawler import AbstractApiClient from proxy.proxy_ip_pool import ProxyIpPool from tools import utils from .field import SearchNoteType, SearchSortType from .help import TieBaExtractor class BaiduTieBaClient(AbstractApiClient): def __init__( self, timeout=10, ip_pool=None, default_ip_proxy=None, ): self.ip_pool: Optional[ProxyIpPool] = ip_pool self.timeout = timeout self.headers = utils.get_user_agent() self._host = "" self._page_extractor = TieBaExtractor() self.default_ip_proxy = default_ip_proxy @retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3), wait=wait_fixed(1)) async def request(self, method, url, return_ori_content=False, proxies=None, **kwargs) -> Union[str, Any]: """ 封装httpx的公共请求方法,对请求响应做一些处理 Args: method: 请求方法 url: 请求的URL return_ori_content: 是否返回原始内容 proxies: 代理IP **kwargs: 其他请求参数,例如请求头、请求体等 Returns: """ actual_proxies = proxies if proxies else self.default_ip_proxy async with httpx.AsyncClient(proxies=actual_proxies) as client: response = await client.request( method, url, timeout=self.timeout, **kwargs ) if response.status_code != 200: utils.logger.error(f"Request failed, method: {method}, url: {url}, status code: {response.status_code}") utils.logger.error(f"Request failed, response: {response.text}") raise Exception(f"Request failed, method: {method}, url: {url}, status code: {response.status_code}") if response.text == "" or response.text == "blocked": utils.logger.error(f"request params incrr, response.text: {response.text}") raise Exception("account blocked") if return_ori_content: return response.text return response.json() async def get(self, uri: str, params=None, return_ori_content=False, **kwargs) -> Any: """ GET请求,对请求头签名 Args: uri: 请求路由 params: 请求参数 return_ori_content: 是否返回原始内容 Returns: """ final_uri = uri if isinstance(params, dict): final_uri = (f"{uri}?" f"{urlencode(params)}") try: res = await self.request(method="GET", url=f"{self._host}{final_uri}", return_ori_content=return_ori_content, **kwargs) return res except RetryError as e: if self.ip_pool: proxie_model = await self.ip_pool.get_proxy() _, proxies = utils.format_proxy_info(proxie_model) res = await self.request(method="GET", url=f"{self._host}{final_uri}", return_ori_content=return_ori_content, proxies=proxies, **kwargs) self.default_ip_proxy = proxies return res utils.logger.error(f"[BaiduTieBaClient.get] 达到了最大重试次数,请尝试更换新的IP代理: {e}") async def post(self, uri: str, data: dict, **kwargs) -> Dict: """ POST请求,对请求头签名 Args: uri: 请求路由 data: 请求体参数 Returns: """ json_str = json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False) return await self.request(method="POST", url=f"{self._host}{uri}", data=json_str, **kwargs) async def pong(self) -> bool: """ 用于检查登录态是否失效了 Returns: """"[BaiduTieBaClient.pong] Begin to pong tieba...") try: uri = "/mo/q/sync" res: Dict = await self.get(uri)"[BaiduTieBaClient.pong] res: {res}") if res and res.get("no") == 0: ping_flag = True else:"[BaiduTieBaClient.pong] user not login, will try to login again...") ping_flag = False except Exception as e: utils.logger.error(f"[BaiduTieBaClient.pong] Ping tieba failed: {e}, and try to login again...") ping_flag = False return ping_flag async def update_cookies(self, browser_context: BrowserContext): """ API客户端提供的更新cookies方法,一般情况下登录成功后会调用此方法 Args: browser_context: 浏览器上下文对象 Returns: """ pass async def get_notes_by_keyword( self, keyword: str, page: int = 1, page_size: int = 10, sort: SearchSortType = SearchSortType.TIME_DESC, note_type: SearchNoteType = SearchNoteType.FIXED_THREAD, random_sleep: bool = True ) -> List[Dict]: """ 根据关键词搜索贴吧帖子 Args: keyword: 关键词 page: 分页第几页 page_size: 每页大小 sort: 结果排序方式 note_type: 帖子类型(主题贴|主题+回复混合模式) random_sleep: 是否随机休眠 Returns: """ uri = "/f/search/res" params = { "isnew": 1, "qw": keyword, "rn": page_size, "pn": page, "sm": sort.value, "only_thread": note_type.value } page_content = await self.get(uri, params=params, return_ori_content=True) if random_sleep: random.randint(1, 5) return self._page_extractor.extract_search_note_list(page_content) async def get_note_by_id(self, note_id: str) -> Dict: """ 根据帖子ID获取帖子详情 Args: note_id: Returns: """ uri = f"/p/{note_id}" page_content = await self.get(uri, return_ori_content=True) return self._page_extractor.extract_note_detail(page_content) # todo impl it return {} async def get_note_all_comments(self, note_id: str, crawl_interval: float = 1.0, callback: Optional[Callable] = None) -> List[Dict]: """ 获取指定帖子下的所有一级评论,该方法会一直查找一个帖子下的所有评论信息 Args: note_id: 帖子ID crawl_interval: 爬取一次笔记的延迟单位(秒) callback: 一次笔记爬取结束后 Returns: """ uri = f"/p/{note_id}" result = [] comments_has_more = True comments_cursor = 1 while comments_has_more: comments_res = await self.get(uri, params={"pn": comments_cursor}) comments_has_more = comments_res.get("has_more", False) comments_cursor = comments_res.get("cursor", "") if "comments" not in comments_res: f"[XiaoHongShuClient.get_note_all_comments] No 'comments' key found in response: {comments_res}") break comments = comments_res["comments"] if callback: await callback(note_id, comments) await asyncio.sleep(crawl_interval) result.extend(comments) sub_comments = await self.get_comments_all_sub_comments(comments, crawl_interval, callback) result.extend(sub_comments) return result async def get_comments_all_sub_comments(self, comments: List[Dict], crawl_interval: float = 1.0, callback: Optional[Callable] = None) -> List[Dict]: """ 获取指定评论下的所有子评论 Args: comments: 评论列表 crawl_interval: 爬取一次笔记的延迟单位(秒) callback: 一次笔记爬取结束后 Returns: """ result = [] for comment in comments: sub_comments = comment.get("comments") if sub_comments: if callback: await callback(comment.get("id"), sub_comments) await asyncio.sleep(crawl_interval) result.extend(sub_comments) return result