# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import asyncio import json from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional from urllib.parse import urlencode import httpx from playwright.async_api import BrowserContext, Page from tools import utils from .exception import DataFetchError, IPBlockError from .graphql import KuaiShouGraphQL class KuaiShouClient: def __init__( self, timeout=10, proxies=None, *, headers: Dict[str, str], playwright_page: Page, cookie_dict: Dict[str, str], ): self.proxies = proxies self.timeout = timeout self.headers = headers self._host = "https://www.kuaishou.com/graphql" self.playwright_page = playwright_page self.cookie_dict = cookie_dict self.graphql = KuaiShouGraphQL() async def request(self, method, url, **kwargs) -> Any: async with httpx.AsyncClient(proxies=self.proxies) as client: response = await client.request( method, url, timeout=self.timeout, **kwargs ) data: Dict = response.json() if data.get("errors"): raise DataFetchError(data.get("errors", "unkonw error")) else: return data.get("data", {}) async def get(self, uri: str, params=None) -> Dict: final_uri = uri if isinstance(params, dict): final_uri = (f"{uri}?" f"{urlencode(params)}") return await self.request(method="GET", url=f"{self._host}{final_uri}", headers=self.headers) async def post(self, uri: str, data: dict) -> Dict: json_str = json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False) return await self.request(method="POST", url=f"{self._host}{uri}", data=json_str, headers=self.headers) async def pong(self) -> bool: """get a note to check if login state is ok""" utils.logger.info("Begin pong kuaishou...") ping_flag = False try: pass except Exception as e: utils.logger.error(f"Pong kuaishou failed: {e}, and try to login again...") ping_flag = False return ping_flag async def update_cookies(self, browser_context: BrowserContext): cookie_str, cookie_dict = utils.convert_cookies(await browser_context.cookies()) self.headers["Cookie"] = cookie_str self.cookie_dict = cookie_dict async def search_info_by_keyword(self, keyword: str, pcursor: str): """ KuaiShou web search api :param keyword: search keyword :param pcursor: limite page curson :return: """ post_data = { "operationName": "visionSearchPhoto", "variables": { "keyword": keyword, "pcursor": pcursor, "page": "search" }, "query": self.graphql.get("search_query") } return await self.post("", post_data) async def get_video_info(self, photo_id: str) -> Dict: """ Kuaishou web video detail api :param photo_id: :return: """ post_data = { "operationName": "visionVideoDetail", "variables": { "photoId": photo_id, "page": "search" }, "query": self.graphql.get("video_detail") } return await self.post("", post_data) async def get_video_comments(self, photo_id: str, pcursor: str = "") -> Dict: """get video comments :param photo_id: photo id you want to fetch :param pcursor: last you get pcursor, defaults to "" :return: """ post_data = { "operationName": "commentListQuery", "variables": { "photoId": photo_id, "pcursor": pcursor }, "query": self.graphql.get("comment_list") } return await self.post("", post_data) async def get_video_all_comments(self, photo_id: str, crawl_interval: float = 1.0, is_fetch_sub_comments=False, callback: Optional[Callable] = None, ): """ get video all comments include sub comments :param photo_id: :param crawl_interval: :param is_fetch_sub_comments: :param callback: :return: """ result = [] pcursor = "" while pcursor != "no_more": comments_res = await self.get_video_comments(photo_id, pcursor) vision_commen_list = comments_res.get("visionCommentList", {}) pcursor = vision_commen_list.get("pcursor", "") comments = vision_commen_list.get("rootComments", []) if callback: # 如果有回调函数,就执行回调函数 await callback(photo_id, comments) await asyncio.sleep(crawl_interval) if not is_fetch_sub_comments: result.extend(comments) continue # todo handle get sub comments return result