238 lines
9.9 KiB
238 lines
9.9 KiB
import sys
import random
import asyncio
from asyncio import Task
from typing import Optional, List, Dict
import aioredis
from tenacity import (
from playwright.async_api import Page
from playwright.async_api import Cookie
from playwright.async_api import BrowserContext
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
import utils
import config
from .client import XHSClient
from base_crawler import Crawler
from models import xhs as xhs_model
from .exception import *
class XiaoHongShuCrawler(Crawler):
def __init__(self):
self.login_phone = None
self.login_type = None
self.keywords = None
self.web_session = None
self.cookies: Optional[List[Cookie]] = None
self.browser_context: Optional[BrowserContext] = None
self.context_page: Optional[Page] = None
self.proxy: Optional[Dict] = None
self.user_agent = utils.get_user_agent()
self.xhs_client: Optional[XHSClient] = None
self.index_url = "https://www.xiaohongshu.com"
def init_config(self, **kwargs):
for key in kwargs.keys():
setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
async def update_cookies(self):
self.cookies = await self.browser_context.cookies()
async def start(self):
async with async_playwright() as playwright:
# launch browser and create single browser context
chromium = playwright.chromium
browser = await chromium.launch(headless=True)
self.browser_context = await browser.new_context(
viewport={"width": 1920, "height": 1080},
# execute JS to bypass anti automation/crawler detection
await self.browser_context.add_init_script(path="libs/stealth.min.js")
self.context_page = await self.browser_context.new_page()
await self.context_page.goto(self.index_url)
# scan qrcode login
await self.login()
await self.update_cookies()
# init request client
cookie_str, cookie_dict = utils.convert_cookies(self.cookies)
self.xhs_client = XHSClient(
"User-Agent": self.user_agent,
"Cookie": cookie_str,
"Origin": "https://www.xiaohongshu.com",
"Referer": "https://www.xiaohongshu.com",
"Content-Type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
# Search for notes and retrieve their comment information.
await self.search_posts()
# block main crawler coroutine
await asyncio.Event().wait()
async def login(self):
"""login xiaohongshu website and keep webdriver login state"""
# There are two ways to log in:
# 1. Semi-automatic: Log in by scanning the QR code.
# 2. Fully automatic: Log in using forwarded text message notifications
# 3. handby automatic: Log in using preset cookie
# which includes mobile phone number and verification code.
if self.login_type == "qrcode":
await self.login_by_qrcode()
elif self.login_type == "phone":
await self.login_by_mobile()
elif self.login_type == "handby":
await self.browser_context.add_cookies([{
'name': 'web_session',
'value': self.web_session,
'domain': ".xiaohongshu.com",
'path': "/"
async def login_by_mobile(self):
print("Start executing mobile phone number + verification code login on Xiaohongshu. ...")
login_container_ele = await self.context_page.wait_for_selector("div.login-container")
# Fill login phone
input_ele = await login_container_ele.query_selector("label.phone > input")
await input_ele.fill(self.login_phone)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# Click to send verification code and fill it from redis server.
send_btn_ele = await login_container_ele.query_selector("label.auth-code > span")
await send_btn_ele.click()
sms_code_input_ele = await login_container_ele.query_selector("label.auth-code > input")
submit_btn_ele = await login_container_ele.query_selector("div.input-container > button")
redis_obj = aioredis.from_url(url=config.redis_db_host, password=config.redis_db_pwd, decode_responses=True)
max_get_sms_code_time = 60 * 2
current_cookie = await self.browser_context.cookies()
_, cookie_dict = utils.convert_cookies(current_cookie)
no_logged_in_session = cookie_dict.get("web_session")
while max_get_sms_code_time > 0:
print(f"get sms code from redis remaining time {max_get_sms_code_time}s ...")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
sms_code_key = f"xhs_{self.login_phone}"
sms_code_value = await redis_obj.get(sms_code_key)
if not sms_code_value:
max_get_sms_code_time -= 1
await sms_code_input_ele.fill(value=sms_code_value) # Enter SMS verification code.
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
agree_privacy_ele = self.context_page.locator("xpath=//div[@class='agreements']//*[local-name()='svg']")
await agree_privacy_ele.click() # Click "Agree" to the privacy policy.
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
await submit_btn_ele.click() # Click login button
# todo ... It is necessary to check the correctness of the verification code,
# as it is possible that the entered verification code is incorrect.
login_flag: bool = await self.check_login_state(no_logged_in_session)
if not login_flag:
print("login failed please confirm sms code ...")
wait_redirect_seconds = 5
print(f"Login successful then wait for {wait_redirect_seconds} seconds redirect ...")
await asyncio.sleep(wait_redirect_seconds)
async def login_by_qrcode(self):
"""login xiaohongshu website and keep webdriver login state"""
print("Start scanning QR code to log in to Xiaohongshu. ...")
# find login qrcode
base64_qrcode_img = await utils.find_login_qrcode(
selector="div.login-container > div.left > div.qrcode > img"
if not base64_qrcode_img:
# todo ...if this website does not automatically popup login dialog box, we will manual click login button
print("login failed , have not found qrcode please check ....")
# get not logged session
current_cookie = await self.browser_context.cookies()
_, cookie_dict = utils.convert_cookies(current_cookie)
no_logged_in_session = cookie_dict.get("web_session")
# show login qrcode
print(f"waiting for scan code login, remaining time is 20s")
login_flag: bool = await self.check_login_state(no_logged_in_session)
if not login_flag:
print("login failed please confirm ...")
wait_redirect_seconds = 5
print(f"Login successful then wait for {wait_redirect_seconds} seconds redirect ...")
await asyncio.sleep(wait_redirect_seconds)
@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(30), wait=wait_fixed(1), retry=retry_if_result(lambda value: value is False))
async def check_login_state(self, no_logged_in_session: str) -> bool:
"""Check if the current login status is successful and return True otherwise return False"""
# If login is unsuccessful, a retry exception will be thrown.
current_cookie = await self.browser_context.cookies()
_, cookie_dict = utils.convert_cookies(current_cookie)
current_web_session = cookie_dict.get("web_session")
if current_web_session != no_logged_in_session:
return True
return False
async def search_posts(self):
print("Begin search xiaohongshu keywords")
# It is possible to modify the source code to allow for the passing of a batch of keywords.
for keyword in [self.keywords]:
note_list: List[str] = []
max_note_len = 10
page = 1
while max_note_len > 0:
posts_res = await self.xhs_client.get_note_by_keyword(
page += 1
for post_item in posts_res.get("items"):
max_note_len -= 1
note_id = post_item.get("id")
note_detail = await self.xhs_client.get_note_by_id(note_id)
except DataFetchError as ex:
await xhs_model.update_xhs_note(note_detail)
await asyncio.sleep(0.05)
print(f"keyword:{keyword}, note_list:{note_list}")
await self.batch_get_note_comments(note_list)
async def batch_get_note_comments(self, note_list: List[str]):
task_list: List[Task] = []
for note_id in note_list:
task = asyncio.create_task(self.get_comments(note_id), name=note_id)
await asyncio.wait(task_list)
async def get_comments(self, note_id: str):
print("Begin get note id comments ", note_id)
all_comments = await self.xhs_client.get_note_all_comments(note_id=note_id, crawl_interval=random.random())
for comment in all_comments:
await xhs_model.update_xhs_note_comment(note_id=note_id, comment_item=comment)