2023-11-14 21:11:18 +08:00

220 lines
9.3 KiB

import asyncio
import json
from typing import Dict, Optional
import httpx
from playwright.async_api import BrowserContext, Page
from tools import utils
from .exception import DataFetchError, IPBlockError
from .field import SearchNoteType, SearchSortType
from .help import get_search_id, sign
class XHSClient:
def __init__(
headers: Dict[str, str],
playwright_page: Page,
cookie_dict: Dict[str, str],
self.proxies = proxies
self.timeout = timeout
self.headers = headers
self._host = "https://edith.xiaohongshu.com"
self.IP_ERROR_STR = "网络连接异常,请检查网络设置或重启试试"
self.IP_ERROR_CODE = 300012
self.NOTE_ABNORMAL_STR = "笔记状态异常,请稍后查看"
self.NOTE_ABNORMAL_CODE = -510001
self.playwright_page = playwright_page
self.cookie_dict = cookie_dict
async def _pre_headers(self, url: str, data=None):
encrypt_params = await self.playwright_page.evaluate("([url, data]) => window._webmsxyw(url,data)", [url, data])
local_storage = await self.playwright_page.evaluate("() => window.localStorage")
signs = sign(
a1=self.cookie_dict.get("a1", ""),
b1=local_storage.get("b1", ""),
x_s=encrypt_params.get("X-s", ""),
x_t=str(encrypt_params.get("X-t", ""))
headers = {
"X-S": signs["x-s"],
"X-T": signs["x-t"],
"x-S-Common": signs["x-s-common"],
"X-B3-Traceid": signs["x-b3-traceid"]
return self.headers
async def request(self, method, url, **kwargs) -> Dict:
async with httpx.AsyncClient(proxies=self.proxies) as client:
response = await client.request(
method, url, timeout=self.timeout,
data: Dict = response.json()
if data["success"]:
return data.get("data", data.get("success", {}))
elif data["code"] == self.IP_ERROR_CODE:
raise IPBlockError(self.IP_ERROR_STR)
raise DataFetchError(data.get("msg", None))
async def get(self, uri: str, params=None) -> Dict:
final_uri = uri
if isinstance(params, dict):
final_uri = (f"{uri}?"
f"{'&'.join([f'{k}={v}' for k, v in params.items()])}")
headers = await self._pre_headers(final_uri)
return await self.request(method="GET", url=f"{self._host}{final_uri}", headers=headers)
async def post(self, uri: str, data: dict) -> Dict:
headers = await self._pre_headers(uri, data)
json_str = json.dumps(data, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False)
return await self.request(method="POST", url=f"{self._host}{uri}",
data=json_str, headers=headers)
async def ping(self) -> bool:
"""get a note to check if login state is ok"""
utils.logger.info("Begin to ping xhs...")
ping_flag = False
note_card: Dict = await self.get_note_by_keyword(keyword="小红书")
if note_card.get("items"):
ping_flag = True
except Exception as e:
utils.logger.error(f"Ping xhs failed: {e}, and try to login again...")
ping_flag = False
return ping_flag
async def update_cookies(self, browser_context: BrowserContext):
cookie_str, cookie_dict = utils.convert_cookies(await browser_context.cookies())
self.headers["Cookie"] = cookie_str
self.cookie_dict = cookie_dict
async def get_note_by_keyword(
self, keyword: str,
page: int = 1, page_size: int = 20,
sort: SearchSortType = SearchSortType.GENERAL,
note_type: SearchNoteType = SearchNoteType.ALL
) -> Dict:
"""search note by keyword
:param keyword: what notes you want to search
:param page: page number, defaults to 1
:param page_size: page size, defaults to 20
:param sort: sort ordering, defaults to SearchSortType.GENERAL
:param note_type: note type, defaults to SearchNoteType.ALL
:return: {has_more: true, items: []}
uri = "/api/sns/web/v1/search/notes"
data = {
"keyword": keyword,
"page": page,
"page_size": page_size,
"search_id": get_search_id(),
"sort": sort.value,
"note_type": note_type.value
return await self.post(uri, data)
async def get_note_by_id(self, note_id: str) -> Dict:
:param note_id: note_id you want to fetch
:return: {"time":1679019883000,"user":{"nickname":"nickname","avatar":"avatar","user_id":"user_id"},"image_list":[{"url":"https://sns-img-qc.xhscdn.com/c8e505ca-4e5f-44be-fe1c-ca0205a38bad","trace_id":"1000g00826s57r6cfu0005ossb1e9gk8c65d0c80","file_id":"c8e505ca-4e5f-44be-fe1c-ca0205a38bad","height":1920,"width":1440}],"tag_list":[{"id":"5be78cdfdb601f000100d0bc","name":"jk","type":"topic"}],"desc":"裙裙","interact_info":{"followed":false,"liked":false,"liked_count":"1732","collected":false,"collected_count":"453","comment_count":"30","share_count":"41"},"at_user_list":[],"last_update_time":1679019884000,"note_id":"6413cf6b00000000270115b5","type":"normal","title":"title"}
data = {"source_note_id": note_id}
uri = "/api/sns/web/v1/feed"
res = await self.post(uri, data)
res_dict: Dict = res["items"][0]["note_card"]
return res_dict
async def get_note_comments(self, note_id: str, cursor: str = "") -> Dict:
"""get note comments
:param note_id: note id you want to fetch
:param cursor: last you get cursor, defaults to ""
:return: {"has_more": true,"cursor": "6422442d000000000700dcdb",comments: [],"user_id": "63273a77000000002303cc9b","time": 1681566542930}
uri = "/api/sns/web/v2/comment/page"
params = {
"note_id": note_id,
"cursor": cursor
return await self.get(uri, params)
async def get_note_sub_comments(
self, note_id: str,
root_comment_id: str,
num: int = 30, cursor: str = ""
get note sub comments
:param note_id: note id you want to fetch
:param root_comment_id: parent comment id
:param num: recommend 30, if num greater 30, it only return 30 comments
:param cursor: last you get cursor, defaults to ""
:return: {"has_more": true,"cursor": "6422442d000000000700dcdb",comments: [],"user_id": "63273a77000000002303cc9b","time": 1681566542930}
uri = "/api/sns/web/v2/comment/sub/page"
params = {
"note_id": note_id,
"root_comment_id": root_comment_id,
"num": num,
"cursor": cursor,
return await self.get(uri, params)
async def get_note_all_comments(self, note_id: str, crawl_interval: float = 1.0, is_fetch_sub_comments=False):
get note all comments include sub comments
:param note_id:
:param crawl_interval:
:param is_fetch_sub_comments:
result = []
comments_has_more = True
comments_cursor = ""
while comments_has_more:
comments_res = await self.get_note_comments(note_id, comments_cursor)
comments_has_more = comments_res.get("has_more", False)
comments_cursor = comments_res.get("cursor", "")
# Check if 'comments' key exists in the response
if "comments" not in comments_res:
# Handle the absence of 'comments' key appropriately
# For example, log an error message, break from the loop, etc.
# This is just an example:
print(f"No 'comments' key found in response: {comments_res}")
comments = comments_res["comments"]
if not is_fetch_sub_comments:
# handle get sub comments
for comment in comments:
cur_sub_comment_count = int(comment["sub_comment_count"])
cur_sub_comments = comment["sub_comments"]
sub_comments_has_more = comment["sub_comment_has_more"] and len(
cur_sub_comments) < cur_sub_comment_count
sub_comment_cursor = comment["sub_comment_cursor"]
while sub_comments_has_more:
page_num = 30
sub_comments_res = await self.get_note_sub_comments(note_id, comment["id"], num=page_num,
sub_comments = sub_comments_res["comments"]
sub_comments_has_more = sub_comments_res["has_more"] and len(sub_comments) == page_num
sub_comment_cursor = sub_comments_res["cursor"]
await asyncio.sleep(crawl_interval)
await asyncio.sleep(crawl_interval)
return result