from openai import OpenAI import asyncio import aiomysql from langchain.embeddings import HuggingFaceEmbeddings from langchain_community.vectorstores.utils import DistanceStrategy from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from langchain.vectorstores import FAISS import os import logging from tqdm import tqdm import hashlib # 配置日志记录 logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # 数据库配置 db_config = { 'user': 'root', 'password': 'zaq12wsx@9Xin', 'host': '', 'port': 3316, 'database': '9Xin', 'auth_plugin': 'mysql_native_password' } # OpenAI配置 api_key = "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" # 替换为您的 OpenAI API 密钥 base_url = "" client = OpenAI(api_key=api_key, base_url=base_url) # Embedding模型配置 embedding_model_name = '/datacenter/expert_models/bce-embedding-base_v1/' embedding_model_kwargs = {'device': 'cuda'} embedding_encode_kwargs = {'batch_size': 32, 'normalize_embeddings': True} embed_model = HuggingFaceEmbeddings( model_name=embedding_model_name, model_kwargs=embedding_model_kwargs, encode_kwargs=embedding_encode_kwargs ) def get_content_hash(content): """生成内容哈希值""" content_cleaned = content.strip() return hashlib.sha256(content_cleaned.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() async def interact_with_chatgpt(content) -> dict: """与ChatGPT交互获取分析结果""" system_prompt = """你是一位专业的化妆品行业专家。请以专业的视角分析提供的内容,并提供以下三个部分的分析: 1. 面向化妆品产品经理的笔记导读 2. 内容的思维导图(使用mermaid格式) 3. 内容的总结 请严格按照以下格式返回: # 笔记导读 [导读内容] # 思维导图 [思维导图内容] # 内容总结 [总结内容]""" try: response = model="gpt-4o-mini", messages=[ {"role": "system", "content": system_prompt}, {"role": "user", "content": content} ], max_tokens=1000, temperature=0.2, ) content = response.choices[0].message.content # 解析返回内容 parts = {} current_section = None current_content = [] for line in content.split('\n'): if line.startswith('# '): if current_section and current_content: parts[current_section] = '\n'.join(current_content).strip() current_content = [] current_section = line[2:].strip().lower() if '导读' in current_section: current_section = 'guide' elif '思维导图' in current_section: current_section = 'mindmap' elif '总结' in current_section: current_section = 'summary' elif current_section: current_content.append(line) if current_section and current_content: parts[current_section] = '\n'.join(current_content).strip() return parts except Exception as e: logger.error(f"OpenAI API 调用错误: {e}") return None async def process_clean_notes(): """处理笔记并生成清洗后的向量存储""" conn = None try:"正在尝试连接数据库...") # 数据库连接配置 conn = await aiomysql.connect( host='', port=3316, user='root', password='zaq12wsx@9Xin', db='9Xin', autocommit=True )"数据库连接成功") if conn is None: raise Exception("数据库连接失败") async with conn.cursor(aiomysql.DictCursor) as cursor: # 获取所有normal类型的笔记 await cursor.execute(""" SELECT id, note_id, title, description FROM xhs_notes WHERE type = 'normal' """) notes = await cursor.fetchall() # 初始化向量存储 vs_path = "./clean_faiss" if not os.path.exists(vs_path): os.makedirs(vs_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vs_path, 'index.faiss')) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(vs_path, 'index.pkl')): vs = FAISS.load_local(vs_path, embed_model, allow_dangerous_deserialization=True) else: vs = FAISS.from_texts(["初始化向量存储"], embed_model, distance_strategy=DistanceStrategy.MAX_INNER_PRODUCT) # 处理每条笔记 for note in tqdm(notes, desc="处理笔记"): content = f"{note['title']}\n{note['description']}" # 获取GPT分析结果 gpt_response = await interact_with_chatgpt(content) if not gpt_response: continue # 处理每种类型的内容 for content_type, content in gpt_response.items(): # 创建新的向量存储 new_vs = FAISS.from_texts([content], embed_model, distance_strategy=DistanceStrategy.MAX_INNER_PRODUCT) # 保存到数据库 async with conn.cursor() as insert_cursor: for vector_id, document in new_vs.docstore._dict.items(): content = document.page_content content_hash = get_content_hash(content) # 检查是否已存在 await insert_cursor.execute(""" SELECT id FROM clean_note_store WHERE content_hash = %s AND content_type = %s """, (content_hash, content_type)) if not await insert_cursor.fetchone(): await insert_cursor.execute(""" INSERT INTO clean_note_store (note_id, vector_id, content_type, content, content_hash) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """, (note['id'], vector_id, content_type, content, content_hash)) # 合并向量存储 vs.merge_from(new_vs) # 保存最终的向量存储 vs.save_local(vs_path) except aiomysql.Error as e: logger.error(f"MySQL错误: {e}") raise except Exception as e: logger.error(f"处理笔记时出错: {e}") raise finally: # 安全关闭连接 try: if conn is not None:"正在关闭数据库连接...") await conn.close()"数据库连接已关闭") except Exception as e: logger.error(f"关闭数据库连接时出错: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__":